Matek F405-VTOL Flight Controller

- 수직이착륙기체(VTOL)에 특화된 FC입니다.

- 넉넉하게 모터 5개와 서보 9개를 지원합니다.

- 서보를 위한 8A BEC 등 각종 BEC가 4가지 탑재되어 있습니다.

- 입력 전압은 6셀까지 지원합니다.

INAV, 아두파일럿을 지원합니다.

아두파일럿 펌웨어를 올리시면 픽스호크와 동일하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.

동사의 GPS를 함께 쓰시길 추천드립니다.


하단 사진 참조

FC Specifications

MCU: STM32F405RGT6, 168MHz , 1MB Flash

IMU: ICM42688-P

Baro: SPL06-001

OSD: AT7456E

Blackbox: MicroSD card slot

6x UARTs, 1x Softserial_Tx option(INAV)

12x PWM outputs

1x I2C

4x ADC (VBAT, Current, RSSI, Airspeed)

1x spare PINIO

USB/Beep Extender with Type-C(USB2.0)

Built in inverter on UART2-RX for SBUS input

Switchable Dual Camera Input

FC Firmware

ArduPilot: MatekF405-TE

INAV: MATEKF405TE_SD (INAV 5.0 or newer)


Input voltage range: 6.8~30V (2~6S LiPo)

Sense resistor: 100A continuous, 220A peak

5x ESC power pads, total 100A continuous

Support continuous load of up to 100A on ESC pad near the current sensor resistor

Support continuous load of up to 30A & peak of 50A on each ESC pad of Quadcopter

Battery Voltage divider 1K:20K (Scale 2100 in INAV, BATT_VOLT_MULT 21.0 in ArduPilot)

Current Senor: 220A, 3.3V ADC (Scale 150 in INAV, 66.7 A/V in ArduPilot)

BEC 5V output

Designed for Flight controller, Receiver, OSD, Camera, Buzzer, 2812 LED_Strip, Buzzer, GPS module, AirSpeed

Continuous current: 2 Amps

BEC 9V /12V output

Designed for Video Transmitter, Camera, Gimbal ect.

Continuous current: 2 Amps

12V option with Jumper pad

for stable 9V/12V output, input voltage should > output voltage +1V

BEC Vx output

Designed for Servos

Voltage adjustable, 5V Default, 6V or 7.2V via jumper

Continuous current: 8 Amps, 10A Peak

for stable Vx output, input voltage should > Vx voltage +1V

BEC 3.3V output

Designed for Baro / Compass module and external 3.3V peripherals

Linear Regulator

Continuous current: 200mA


Mounting: 25 x 25mm-Φ2mm, 35 x 35mm- Φ4mm

Dimensions: 45 x 42 x 15mm

Weight: 25g w/ USB/buzzer adapter


1x F405-VTOL

1x USB(Type-C)/Beep (Passive buzzer) Extender + 20cm JST-SH-6P to JST-SH-6P cable for USB extender.

1x 20cm JST-GH-4P to JST-GH-4P cable for I2C port

1x Rubycon ZLH 35V 470uF capacitor

Dupont 2.54 pins (Board is shipped unsoldered)

마텍 홈페이지에 가시면 세팅에 관한 많은 자료를 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

<아래는 INAV에서 기체별 핀 배열입니다.>

PWMS15 V tolerant I/OTIM8_CH4MotorMotor
S25 V tolerant I/OTIM8_CH3MotorMotor
S35 V tolerant I/OTIM1_CH3NMotorServo
S45 V tolerant I/OTIM1_CH1MotorServo
S55 V tolerant I/OTIM2_CH4MotorServo
S65 V tolerant I/OTIM2_CH3MotorServo
S75 V tolerant I/OTIM2_CH2MotorServo
S85 V tolerant I/OTIM2_CH1MotorServo
S95 V tolerant I/OTIM12_CH1ServoServo
S105 V tolerant I/OTIM13_CH1ServoServo
S115 V tolerant I/OTIM4_CH1ServoServo
LED5 V tolerant I/OTIM3_CH42812LED2812LED